Journal of Veterinary Cardiovascular Medicine Author guidelines (投稿規定)

Animal Cardiovascular Medical Society (ACVMS)

Animal Cardiovascular Medical Society (ACVMS)

Journal of Veterinary Cardiovascular Medicine Author guidelines


The Journal of Veterinary Cardiovascular Medicine (JVCVM) publishes high quality peer-reviewed articles of research and clinical topics that enhance our understanding of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and respiratory disease in veterinary animals in order to improve their well-being and animal welfare.

  1. Scope of the journal

JVCVM features original reports of all aspects of veterinary cardiology, nephrology, and pulmonology, including retrospective and prospective studies, clinical trials, observational studies, reports of intervention imaging, and reports of cardiovascular technique. In addition to scientific papers, we will also consider short essays describing novel cardiovascular techniques, accounts of unique clinical and research efforts, and examples of practical usage of foundational knowledge in clinical practice. We will also accept videos and sound files to supplement the manuscript about clinical procedures, diagnostics, and techniques.

  1. Copyright considerations

JVCVM accepts only original manuscripts that are not currently being considered for publication or those that have not been previously published elsewhere except as conference abstract presentations.

  1. Ethical considerations
    • A study protocol involving the use of animals must have been approved by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to animal experimentation. The study protocol number should be stated in the manuscript.
    • If national or institutional guidelines are not available to investigators, applicable guidelines (e.g., Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, should be followed for humane animal care and must be included in a manuscript.
    • For studies that use client-owned animals, high standard veterinary care should be provided by veterinary staff. Informed owner consent forms should be obtained prior to animal experimentation.
  2. Conflicts of interest
    • Any financial or other conflicting interests from any authors must be declared at the end of a manuscript. If there is no conflicts of interest, please use the following text:

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with regard to the publication of this article.

  • For more details, please refer to guidelines provided by American Heart Association (AHA; and/or International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE;
  • Any information associated with conflicts of interest will be shared within editorial committees.
  1. Authorship
    • JVCVM follows the ICMJE guideline with regard to authorship.
    • All authors should have contributed remarkably to study idea, study design, data acquisition, data analyses, and/or data interpretation.
    • All authors should be involved in the process of manuscript submission as well as the revision process. The final version of a manuscript must be approved by all authors.
    • A corresponding author is responsible for ethical considerations and conflicts of interest that other co-authors might have.
  2. Peer review process
    • Editorial committees evaluate scientific content, authenticity, and applicability of a manuscript before the peer review process.
    • Only those manuscripts approved by the committee go on to the peer review process.
    • Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest to the editorial committee.
    • The peer review process will be followed by instructions to reviewers created by the Animal Cardiovascular Medical Society.
  3. Manuscript preparation
  • Manuscript formatting
    • 12-point font size, Times New Roman
    • 5 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides
    • Double-spaced
    • Text should be prepared in a single column.
    • To add equations, use the built-in function of Microsoft Word. Do not embed equations as graphics.
    • Consecutive page numbers are placed on the center of the bottom of each page, starting from the first page of the manuscript.
    • Save your documents using the default file name extension.
  • Title page

The first page must include the full title of manuscript (no abbreviations should be included), an abstract, keywords, and a running head. Please do not include authors’   names or names of institutions in the title page. Please refer to “8. Manuscript sections and structure” in this manual for abstract guidelines. List 3 to 5 keywords that do not appear in the title of the manuscript. Do not use abbreviations.

  • Authors’ names and institutions
    • Authors’ names and their institutions should be provided in the Manuscript Submission Form. Additionally, in a separate Word document, please include a list of authors’ names, names of their institutions, and their addresses at the time the study took place. Use a consecutive superscript number after each author’s name corresponding to the list of the institutions. The addresses should start with country followed by state/province/prefecture.
    • Corresponding author: A corresponding author is the responsible contact person with regard to the peer review process and any communications before and after publication. A corresponding author must provide his/her name, address, phone number, fax number, and email address.
  • Abbreviation table

Authors are encouraged to limit their use of abbreviations. Do not start a sentence with an abbreviation. An abbreviation should only be used if the word is used more than 3 times. An abbreviation table should be included in the manuscript. In the table, list abbreviations alphabetically on the left side of a page followed by a tab then the corresponding definition. For parameters of echocardiography, please use abbreviations standardized by JVCVM.  

  • Acknowledgements
    • Provide any funding resources involved in any part of the study or submission of a manuscript.
    • List the name(s) of anyone who contributed to the manuscript but did not meet the criteria for authorship.
  • Footnotes

Any products and equipment mentioned in the manuscript should be cited as footnotes. Use general/generic names to describe the items, and use superscript lowercase letters alphabetically in the text. List the product name and manufacture’s name and location using corresponding identification letters alphabetically on a separate page. Conference proceedings and personal communications should also be cited as footnotes.

  • References

Indicate reference numbers in square brackets within the text in a numerical order. All references should be verified by authors and only relevant references should be included. All references mentioned within text should appear in reference section and vice versa. Unpublished data and materials, conference proceedings, and manuscripts under revision should be cited as footnotes. Reference listings should follow the Vancouver style.
For examples:
Journal article
[1] Ogihara Y, Yamada N, Dohi K, Matsuda A, Tsuji A, Ota S, Ken Ishikura, Mashio Nakamura, Masaaki Ito. Utility of right ventricular Tei-index for assessing disease severity and determining response to treatment in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. J Cardiol 2014;63:149-53.
Book chapter
[2] Hill RC. Dietary and Medical Considerations in Hyperlipidemia. In: Ettinger S, Feldman E, editors. Textbook of veterinary internal medicine 1. 8th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders Elsevier; 2017, p.758-64.
Data references
The authors are encouraged to cite underlying and relevant datasets. Data references should include author name(s), title, repository, version, year, and global persistent identifier. Please indicate [dataset] at the beginning of the reference.
For example:
[dataset] Wild J. Effect sizes and confidence intervals for resilience, control, and treatment-as-usual interventions for high risk populations, Mendeley Data, v1; 2018.

  • Tables
    • Table content should supplement context within the text. Do not summarize the text into a table, and do not repeat what appears in a table within the text.
    • Tables should be in a separate page after references.
    • Use Microsoft Word to generate tables. We do not accept tables generated in Excel.
    • Use Times New Roman font with at least 8-point font size inside the table.
    • Do not include a blank row in the table
    • Center all text in columns within a table.
    • Abbreviations used in a table should be defined in the legend of the table.
    • Number tables consecutively as they appear in the text, and use corresponding number to identify the table.
  • Figures

Figures should be high quality to meet publication standards. Each figure needs to be submitted as a separate file. Number figures consecutively as they appear in the text. Acceptable formatting of figures is as follows.

  • TIFF: photographs (color or grayscale), at least 300 dpi
  • TIFF: line drawings, at least 1000 dpi
  • TIFF: combination (line and halftone) artwork, at least 500 dpi
  • Save text and graphics in separate layers.
  • Use Times New Roman font with at least 8-point font size.
  • A caption for each figure should be provided at the end of the manuscript as a separate page. The captions should include a brief title and description of the figures. All symbols and abbreviations should be spelled out under a figure in a legend.
  • Do not include any patient information in the figures. Please note that simply redacting sensitive information by overlaying graphical objects is unacceptable as the underlying text can be recovered easily.
  • Supplementary material
    • Electronic supplementary materials (e.g., background datasets, high-resolution images, videos, animation sequences, and sound clips) can be submitted. Supplementary materials will be published online along with the electronic version of your article on the JVCVM website.
    • Tables that are not necessary to be included in printed form but add scientific values can be submitted as supplemental tables. The tables should be mentioned in the text and identified in order with upper case letters (e.g. A, B, C).
    • Supplemental figures can also be submitted. The figures should be mentioned in the text and identified with uppercase Roman numerals (e.g. I, II, III) in order. Within the text of the manuscript, state in parentheses that the figures are available as supplementary materials online.
  • Videos and sound files
    • Videos should be high quality and submitted as .mov or .avi.
    • Sound file should be submitted as .wav or .mp3.
    • Provide the titles of videos and sound files.
    • Number video and sound files numerically as they appear in the text.
  • Manuscripts with incorrect formatting and major grammatical or structural errors will be returned to authors before the peer review process. An editing service is sometimes offered for manuscripts written in English.
  • Low quality graphics and illustrations will not be accepted. If these materials are essential for the manuscript content, this may lead to rejection of the manuscript.
  1. Manuscript sections and structure
    • Original research and clinical studies of cardiovascular disease, vascular function, kidney disease, or respiratory disease:

Do not exceed more than 5000 words for English manuscripts. Word count limitation does not include references, table/figure captions or legends. Do not cite more than 50 references. Full scientific reports and case reports should be submitted in the following order: title page, abstract, abbreviation list, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement, footnotes, references, tables, figures and figure legends (if any). Each section should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

  • Abstract: Summarize study objective(s), animals, methods, and discussion. Each section should start with a subheading. Do not exceed 250 words.
  • Introduction: Provide a brief description of the background and a relevant literature review. The introduction also must include a study hypothesis and study objectives.
  • Materials and methods: Concisely describe the study population, exclusion and inclusion criteria (demographic data should be reported in the Results section), clinical procedures, experimental methods, and statistical analysis.
  • Results: State the results succinctly. Do not duplicate the results in the body of the text or within graphs, tables, or figures. Large tables or multiple tables or figures that are not critical for the printed version can be included as supplemental data online.
  • Discussion: Discuss the results of study, especially new and important findings of the study as well as relevance to other studies. The limitation(s) of the study also need to be included. Excessively long discussion must be avoided.
  • Conclusion: Briefly summarize the major conclusion of the study.
  • The guidelines for clinical trials, observational studies, and association studies are as listed below and the authors are encouraged to review: STREGA (genetic association studies), STROBE (observational studies), STARD (studies evaluating diagnostic tests, history and physical examination), CONSORT (randomized trials) and PRISMA (systematic reviews).
  • At least 6 animals are required for original research and clinical studies. Studies that establish normal echocardiographic, electrocardiographic, radiographic, and biochemical data for a particular breed or species are also accepted.
  • Review articles:

Review articles should be a constructive review of recent literature relevant to specific field or theme. The aim of a review article is to provide an overview, research trends, and outlooks of the field. Limit abstract to 250 words, and do not exceed 5000 words in total. The word limits do not include tables, figures, and references. Authors are encouraged to limit references to less than 50.

  • Cardiovascular methods:

The performance or analysis of cardiovascular procedures can be submitted as this category. Manuscripts should include images or videos of the procedures. Manuscripts must not exceed 2500 words (excluding figures, tables, and references) and must include an abstract less than 250 words. Citation should be limited to 25 references. Large tables or multiple tables or figures that are not critical for the printed version can be included as supplemental data online.

  • Cardiovascular images:

Cardiovascular images or video that provide clinical usefulness will be considered for publication. The image should be high quality. Images may be of electrocardiograms (ECG), echocardiograms, electrophysiological studies, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), radiographs, pathology, or others. The manuscript should begin with a brief description of the case followed by interpretation of the image and discussion. Manuscripts must not exceed 1500 words (excluding figures, tables, and references) and must include an abstract less than 250 words. Do not exceed 10 references. Any additional tables and figures can be submitted as supplementary materials for online viewing.

  • Case reports:

Case reports should provide information that has not been previously published, direction for future studies, and a better understanding of disease and more effective therapies. Case series comprising 5 or fewer animals should also be reported as a case report. The manuscript should begin with a brief description of the case(s) followed by a discussion that contains a literature review and clinical importance of the case. Please report institutional or laboratory reference ranges when first presented. Manuscripts must not exceed 2500 words (excluding figures, tables, and references) and must include an abstract less than 250 words. Do not exceed 25 references. Large tables or multiple tables or figures that are not critical for the printed version can be included as supplemental data online.

  • Clinical note:

Knowledge and techniques that provide clinicians better understanding of routine cases can be discussed as a clinical note. The manuscript should include the title, abstract, description of the case, a brief literature review, and discussion. Please include an abstract of less than 250 words, and do not exceed 2500 words in total.             

  1. Please submit your manuscript as well as any other files to JVCVM via email Authors may send inquiries regarding the submission process to the following email address: Authors can also check the status of the revision process. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, authors transfer copyright to the publisher.
  2. Articles in this journal are published exclusively as open access. Open access articles are publicly accessible without any charge. This means that the articles can be distributed and used as long as the author(s) are credited and the articles are not modified.
  3. After acceptance: Corresponding authors and the Editor-in-Chief will receive a PDF file of the final version of your manuscript through email. You will have an opportunity to annotate any amendments. All instructions regarding editing and proofreading will be communicated through email. Our goal is to publish your manuscript as quickly and accurately as possible. Thus, only minor corrections can be made at this point. Major changes that affect the results or interpretation of the results will be made only with the editor’s permission. All corrections should be emailed to us at one time and any additional corrections may not be accepted. Proofreading is solely your responsibility. We will send a final version as a PDF file via email; we will not provide a printed version.
  4. Administration: The academic secretariat at ACVMS is responsible for this author guideline.
  5. Termination or amendment: Editorial committees are authorized to terminate or revise the author guideline.

The author guideline was established on January 1, 2017.
The author guideline was revised on December 25, 2017.


Journal of Veterinary Cardiovascular Medicine投稿規程 


 動物循環器病学会における、学会誌『Journal of Veterinary Cardiovascular Medicine(以下「JVCVM」という。)』は、心血管疾患、腎疾患呼吸器疾患への理解を深め、動物の健康と福祉を向上させる研究や臨床実践を含む、質の高い査読済みの論文を出版するものとする。
1. 目的
2. 倫理方針 
3. 動物倫理
1) 投稿論文には、飼育動物とその使用を管轄する委員会の承認を得たことを明記していなければならない。
2) 国または機関のガイドラインが存在しない場合、動物倫理に準拠した処置のために必要な国際ガイドライン(例:国立衛生研究所(NIH)またはユーロガイド)に則っていることを示す必要がある。
3) 飼い主が所有する動物を用いた研究では、獣医師による最高基準の処置が実施されていなければならない。また、飼い主の同意を得ていることを明記されていなければならない。
4. 利益相反
1) 原稿本文の最後には、利益相反の声明を明記していなければならない。
2) 著者は、投稿論文に不適切な影響を与える可能性のある人や組織と金銭的または個人的な関係があるかどうかを開示しなければならない。
3) 著者らは、利益相反のタイプを理解することを助けるため、米国心臓協会(AHA)または国際医学雑誌編集委員会(以下「ICMJE」という。)が作成した利益相反に関する声明を参照することが奨励される。
4) JVCVMの編集者は、利益相反についての情報を編集委員会に報告・共有する。
5. 論文著者
1) 著者の取扱いについては、ICMJEのガイドライン(該当HPのURLに従うものとする。
2) 著者は、アイデア、概念またはデザインの研究、データの取得、またはデータの分析および解釈に多大な貢献をしていた者とする。
3) 著者は、原稿の作成と改訂に関与していなければならず、その原稿の最終版を承認していなければならない。
4) 著者は、倫理方針、動物の倫理的扱い、および利益相反に関して、すべての共著者に対して責任を負うものとする。
6. 論文の査読
1) 編集委員会は、JVCVMの科学的内容、独創性、適合性について原稿を評価する。
2) 編集委員会が適切と判断する原稿は査読審査を受ける。また、査読委員は、査読審査を開始する前に、利益相反について開示しなければならない。
3) 査読についてのルールは、動物循環器病学会査読規程(以下「査読規定」という)に別途定めるものとする。
7. 原稿執筆のルール
1) 研究投稿論文は、次ぎ掲げる事項に準拠していなければならない。
(1) 論文書式
・日本語の場合はMS明朝、英語の場合はTimes New Romanをサイズ12 pointで使用する。
・英語の場合は、Times New Roman, 12 pointを使用する。
・2.5 cm(1インチ)の余白を入れて行間は2行でスペースを入れる。
・テキストは単一列形式で記述する。「グラフィカルに設計された」式を埋め込むのではなく、Microsoft Wordを使用してこれらの方程式を記述する。
・ページ番号は、中央下部に記載する。タイトルページの先頭から連続した行番号を使用する。 Microsoft Wordの原稿と表をフォーマットする。
(2) タイトルページ
 最初のページには、原稿のタイトル(略語は含まない)、著者の名字、最高学位、所属、所属、Running headを記述する。著者のリストに続いて、実際の作業が行われた時点での著者提携の住所を記載する。作成者が異なる部署または機関の出身である場合は、著者名の直後に、小文字の上付き文字をすべての提携先に、適切な住所の前に付ける。国名を含む各所属の完全な住所を入力する。責任著者:査読、出版および出版後のすべての段階で連絡をする作者の名前と電子メールアドレスを記載する。ページの下部にある最初の著者または対応する著者の現在のアドレス(異なる場合)のみを示す。脚注を使用しない。
(3) 謝辞
(4) 要約、要約、省略表
 タイトルページに続く別のシートに要約とキーワードを含める。概要に ついては、該当する原稿カテゴリの具体的な手順を参照する。
 日本語の論文の場合は、英語のAbstractを250 words以内で追記する。
(5) キーワード
 原稿のタイトルにない3〜5のキーワード(略語は使用しない)を入力す る。
(6) 省略表
(7) 脚注
 脚注は控えめに使用する。脚注に上付き文字を、小文字をテキストの中に 現れる順に引用する。文章中の脚注の位置を示し、脚注をアルファベット順にリストした原稿の本文の最後の後に、脚注自体を別のシートに提示する。提携が異なる著者がいる場合は、著者名の直後と適切な住所の前に、脚注に異なる提携を提示する。国名を含む各所属の完全な住所を入力する。すべての著者が同じ所属をしている場合は、所属住所に脚注を使用しない。製品や機器については、製造元の名前と所在地(国、都市名など)を含め、脚注に完全な情報を記入する。ジェネリック医薬品には脚注は必要ない。抄録や個人間の資料も脚注として引用することが望ましい。
(8) 参考文献
[ ]大括弧で囲まれた数字は、原稿に記載されている順番でテキストに沿って表示する(スミス法)。参照された文献は、元の文書と比較して著者によって検証されなければならない。テキストに引用されているすべての参考文献が参考文献リストにも存在することを確認する(逆も同様)。公表されていない観察、個人的な資料、要約、まだ受理されていない投稿論文は、脚注として含めるべきである。以下のフォーマットガイドラインに従うこと。
[1] Santilli RA, Spadacini G, Moretti P, Perego M, Perini A, Tarducci A, Crosara S, Salerno-Uriarte JA. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of concealed accessory pathways in two dogs with symptomatic atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia. J Vet Cardiol 2006;8:157-65.
[1] Sisson D. Medical management of refractory congestive heart failure in dogs. In: Bonagura JD, editor. Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XIII. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2000, p. 752-6.
 Oguro M, Imahiro S, Saito S, Nakashizuka T. Mortality data for Japanese oak wilt disease and surrounding forest compositions, Mendeley Data, v1; 2015.
(9) 表
・表のデータは、テキストを補完するものでなければならない。テキスト中に提示されたデータは、表に再度提示せず、逆もまた同様に留意すること。参照の後に別のページに表を置く。表はMicrosoft Wordを使用して作成すること。 Excelで作成された表は受け付けない。表内のフォントは Times New Roman(少なくとも10ポイント)を使用する。各列見出しの下にすべてのデータを配置する。表で使用されるすべての略語は、表の凡例に定義する必要がある。テキストの出現順に合わせて表を連続して番号付けをする。
(10) 図表
 図表は、出版物の基準を満たすために高品質でなければならない。各図 は別々のファイルとして提供する必要がある。テキストの出現順に応じて数字を連続して入力する。許容できる図形式は次のとおりである。
・TIFF:カラーまたはグレースケールの写真(ハーフトーン):最低300 dpiを使用する。
・TIFF:ビットマップ線画:最低1000 dpiを使用する。
・TIFF:ビットマップされたライン/ハーフトーンの組み合わせ(カラーまたはグレースケール):最低500 dpiを使用する。
・テキストが含まれている場合はTimes New Roman(少なくとも10ポイント)を使用する。
(12) 表と図
(13) ビデオとサウンドファイル
2) 書式、日本語または英語の文法や構成に問題がある場合は、査読審査前に著者に返却する。英語の原稿においては英文校閲サービスを勧めることがある。
3) 品質の低い画像やイラストを受け付けない。画像やイラストが原稿にとって重要である場合は原稿を受理しない理由となることがある。
4) 心機能、血管機能、腎臓機能、呼吸器機能における基礎研究および臨床研究および症例報告を含む原稿を掲載する。
5) 臨床試験、観察研究、および関連研究を行っている著者は、STREGA、STROBE、STARD、CONSORT、およびPRISMAを含む調査のガイドラインを参照することが奨励されている。
6) 基礎研究および臨床研究には、少なくとも6頭の動物が含まれていなければならない。また、動物の品種、または種に特異的な画像検査、心電図検査および生化学データを確立する研究も含まれる。
8. 論文の構成
1) 原稿は15000文字(英語:5000語)を超えてはならない(文献、表、または図の凡例を除く)。原稿は50の参考文献と6つの図を超えてはならない。
2) 基礎研究および臨床研究の原稿には、序論(Introduction)、材料と方法(Materials and Methods)、結果(Results)、考察(Discussion)、結論(Conclusion)で構成され、次ぎ掲げる事項に準拠していなければならない。
(1)     要約(Abstract):目的、動物、方法、結果、および結論の見出しを含む要約を記述する。要約は1000文字(英語:250語)を超えてはならない。
(2)     序論(Introduction):はじめに、関連する文献の概要、仮説の明確な記述、研究目的を引用して、研究の背景と理由を簡潔かつ簡潔に説明する。Introductionは、文献の網羅的なレビューではない。
(3)     材料と方法(Materials and Methods):このセクションでは、除外および包含基準(統計データはここで報告するのではなく、結果セクションに記載すること)、手技、実験的および統計的方法を含めて、研究内容の簡潔な説明を提供する
(4)     結果(Results):研究の結果を簡潔に記述する。テキストの本文またはグラフ、表、または図の中にデータを表示するが、両方への重複事項は表示しない。著者が大きな表、複数の表や図形がある場合は、これらをオンライン表示用の補助データとして含めることを推奨する。
(5)     考察(Discussion):調査の結果から始まる調査の簡潔な議論を記述する。新知見の重要な意味、これらの観察が他の関連する研究とどのように関連しているか、文献との関連性を強調する。また、研究の補足部分(Limitation)についても記述する。余りにも長い考察は避ける。
(6)     結論(Conclusion):調査の主な結論を簡単に要約する。t
9. その他の論文
2) 心臓血管画像 


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